Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • A message from the instructor
  • 2
    Chapter 1: What is the TotalCAE Data Marshal?
    • What is the TotalCAE Data Marshal?
  • 3
    Chapter 2: Drives and Drive-level Privileges
    • Drives and Drive-level Privileges
  • 4
    Chapter 3: How The TotalCAE Data Marshal Integrates with The TotalCAE Portal
    • How The TotalCAE Data Marshal Integrates with The TotalCAE Portal
  • 5
    Chapter 4: File Navigation and Search
    • File Navigation and Search
  • 6
    Chapter 5: Read-Write Drive User Actions
    • Read-Write Drive User Actions
  • 7
    Chapter 6: Manager Drive User Actions
    • Manager Drive User Actions
  • 8
    Chapter 7: Using Metadata for Advanced Data Search
    • Using Metadata for Advanced Data Search
  • 9
    Next steps
    • Congrats! Here's what's next...